Topic Wise Words

Topic Language:: PAGE #7

:: From a social point of view it is an ideal place to get to know people who may become friends or even a future partner:: The Etruscans dominated Central Italy from the Po valley down to Campania by the seventh century BC:: Based on a rough study of etymology these words for big numbers were popularized in 17thcentury France and were based on the 14thcentury coinage of million:: We have lots of euphemisms for menstruation and we dont refer to it unless in the company of women and rarely even then:: :: In analyzing some of the books sections we would have to parse each sentence:: The trick to wearing androgynous attire with flair is to somehow still look feminine :: However Greenspan dropped broad hints that future cuts could be more modest:: Not a superlative film but a perfectly solid one and one that is going to be rolling out in limited release quite soon:: Grammatically adverbs can modify various elements and take different positions within a sentence:: The training must include intense and particular attention to pronunciation intonation and enunciation:: As the shoot went on people actually started to talk about the house in anthropomorphic terms:: The following word descriptors represent the unique language and personal interpretation of breathlessness by asthmatic African Americans and whites:: the antithesis between occult and rational mentalities:: This facility has been targeted by the Medical Association for Prevention of War and other Leftist groups that seek to divide Australia from her allies and neuter our military:: Moreover nouns express sorts of things verbs and participles are tensed pronouns are either demonstrative or relative:: People had been gabbling at her in some strange language that sounded like a cross between Russian and Gaelic but slightly more confusing:: :: AN 18yearold woman who threatened a police officer with a kitchen knife began to slash her own wrists with the weapon:: My idea is to divide my time doing practice in the mornings and evenings and then to do either written or oral translations during the day:: He gives his advice with old Iraqi proverbs and quotes from the Koran:: :: The first and second words could be either plural nouns or singularinflected verbs :: Among other particular features of Albanian and other Balkan languages are a postpositive definite article and the absence of a verbal infinitive:: It may be of imperfect obligation imperfect in the sense that it does not withdraw jurisdiction:: Further ventures into prosody and theory I leave until senior classes
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